Listen on the 'Orthodoxy' app of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia by going to
Please note, as of late 2023, all future talks will be uploaded to the Orthodoxy app and/or relevant Youtube/Facebook pages. Previous talks can still be accessed from the list below:
Title | Date | |
Come and See - The role of an Orthodox godparent in the modern world - Fr Panteleimon Lasarakis and Presbytera Silouanne
20/07/2023 | |
Come and See - How do I know, I will be saved through the Orthodox Church? - Very Rev. Fr Demetrius Catrinei
06/07/2023 | |
Come and See - The Orthodox perspective on alternative spirituality, yoga and superstition - Rev. Fr Panagiotis Zoumboulis
29/06/2023 | |
What Makes a Hero? - Abbot Ieronymos
Orthodoxy app  
22/06/2023 | |
Come and See - Are we ready to live: An insight into our next life - Fr Chris Dimolianis
15/06/2023 | |
Dating & Relationships - Christ-centred relationships - Father George and Presvytera Irene
Orthodoxy app  
11/05/2023 | |
Imitating Christ and His Sacrifice - Fr Nicholas Georgiou
Orthodoxy app  
30/03/2023 | |
Battling with Temptations - Bill Pagomenos
Orthodoxy app  
16/03/2023 | |
Forgiveness & Humility - Mother Kallistheni
Orthodoxy app  
02/03/2023 | |
Conversations - Bishop Silouan
Orthodoxy app  
15/12/2022 | |
Come and See - More Modern Developments - What Are We Becoming? - Very Rev. Father Chris Dimolianis
08/12/2022 | |
Conversations - Fr Elias, Fr Chris
Orthodoxy app  
01/12/2022 | |
Come and See - From Christian Empire to Schism - What Have We Become? - Very Rev. Father Chris Dimolianis
17/11/2022 | |
Come and See - The Early Christian Church - Who Are We? - Very Rev. Father Chris Dimolianis
Orthodoxy app  
10/11/2022 | |
Conversations - Fr Doukas, Fr Kyrillos, Fr Kyprianos
Orthodoxy app  
03/11/2022 | |
Conversations - Bishop Emilianos
Orthodoxy app  
06/10/2022 | |
Conversations - Bishop Iakovos
Orthodoxy app  
22/09/2022 | |
Youtube: Exploring the Christian Identity - Vasili Le Couilliard | 21/07/2022 | |
Youtube: The Power of the Word (Lecture 4) "In the beginning was the Word... (John 1:1-17)" - Very Rev. Fr Chris Dimolianis | 14/06/2022 | |
Youtube: The Power of the Word (Lecture 3) "How would they believe if they haven't heard... (Romans 10:14)" - Very Rev. Fr Gerasimos Koutsouras | 05/06/2022 | |
Youtube: The Power of the Word (Lecture 2) "The Power of the Word - Then and Now" - Dr Nicholas Manolios | 26/05/2022 | |
Youtube: The Power of the Word (Lecture 1) "The Impact of Words on Creation - an Experiment with Rice" - Mr Dean Damatopoulos | 19/05/2022 | |
Follow Christ - His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia | 13/08/2019 | |
Supplement: PDF transcript of talk in English. | 13/08/2019 | |
God, music and its hijack by the angel of darkness - Very Rev. Fr Themi Adamopoulo | 02/10/2018 | |
A Unique Challenge of the Orthodox Christian in Today's Global Reality - Very Rev. Dr Themi Adamopoulo | 30/10/2017 | |
The Spiritual Emptiness of Modern Man and the Hope of Orthodoxy - Very Rev. Fr Ephraim Triantaphyllopoulos (talk in English with concluding remarks in Greek by His Grace Bishop Ezekiel of Dervis and His Eminence Metropolitan Paul of Siatista) | 26/09/2017 | |
Supplement: PDF transcript of talk in English. | 26/09/2017 | |
War and Violence: The Politics of Theosis and the Refugee Crisis - Dr Aristotle Papanikolaou | 30/08/2017 | |
Talk in GREEK - Abbess Theodekti | 11/07/2017 | |
Monastic Experience and the Modern World - Abbess Theodekti | 10/07/2017 | |
Orthodox Hymnography and the Formation of Christian Character - Rev. Dr George Parsenios | 22/06/2017 | |
The Scandal of Poverty: the Challenge to Orthodoxy - Very Rev. Fr Themi Adamopoulo | 10/10/2016 | |
"Dying to Live!" Becoming Human in the Early Church - Very Rev. Dr John Behr | 06/07/2016 | |
Wake Up to Crime Prevention and Don't Be a Victim - Leading Senior Constable Nick Parissis | 19/10/2015 | |
Same Sex Marriage Information Session - ENGLISH | 05/10/2015 | |
Same Sex Marriage Information Session - GREEK | 05/10/2015 | |
Orthodoxy and Ebola Ground Zero - Very Rev. Fr Themi Adamopoulo | 27/08/2015 | |
The Role of the Orthodox Christian in the World Today - Fr Leonithas Ioannou | 22/06/2015 | |
St Symeon the New Theologian - The Theologian of Light: A Radical Message in Dark Times - Mr Daniel Bellis | 27/04/2015 | |
Why Am I Hungry & What Happens to My Body When I Fast? - Dr Adamandia Kriketos | 30/03/2015 | |
Orthodoxy in the Modern World - Fr Arsenije Jovanovic | 22/12/2014 | |
Discerning God's Plan for My Life - Fr Chris Dimolianis | 17/11/2014 | |
Can I Be Saved Without Icons? - Rev. Fr Leonithas Ioannou | 20/10/2014 | |
Taking Back Control of Your Life: Why am I often my own worst enemy? - Fr Chris Dimolianis | 18/08/2014 | |
Drugs in Society: An Orthodox Priest's Perspective - Rev. Fr Emmanuel Lykopandis | 12/05/2014 | |
Human Rights in Australia: Is this really who we are? - Julian Burnside AO QC | 31/03/2014 | |
Spiritual Address - His Grace Bishop Iakovos of Miletoupolis | 18/11/2013 | |
Hope After Tragedy - Mr Michael Zervos | 14/10/2013 | |
Mental Health - The Protective Factor of Faith - Dr Kaylene Evers | 19/08/2013 | |
St John of Damascus - His Defence of Icons and His Response to Islam - Dr Nick Trakakis | 17/06/2013 | |
Lenten Insights from the Desert Fathers and Mothers - Mr Mario Baghos | 08/04/2013 | |
Introducing the Creed One Day Seminar - Making Sense of the Creed with the Church Fathers - Fr Doru Costache | 06/04/2013 | |
Introducing the Creed One Day Seminar - Basic Teachings Found in the Creed - Their Salvific and Existential Significance - Dr Philip Kariatlis | 06/04/2013 | |
Introducing the Creed One Day Seminar - The Historical Context of the Creed - Mr Mario Baghos | 06/04/2013 | |
The Way of an Aussie Pilgrim - Rev. Fr Emmanuel Lykopandis | 04/03/2013 | |
How Can a Loving God Send People to Hell - Rev. Fr Chris Dimolianis | 19/11/2012 | |
The Life and Theology of St Gregory of Nyssa - Dr Nick Trakakis | 29/10/2012 | |
Orthodox Mission in Conflict and Post-conflict Zones - The Case of Sierra Leone - Very Rev. Fr Themi Adamopoulo | 24/09/2012 | |
Please click here to visit website which contains videos or to make a donation. | | |
Finding the Right Spouse for Life - Rev. Fr Jean Mawal | 20/08/2012 | |
How to Protect Your Soul While Using Modern Technology - Fr Chris Dimolianis | 30/07/2012 | |
The Mover, the Groover and the Shaker of Our Church - Rev. Fr Emmanuel Lykopandis | 04/06/2012 | |
Heaven and Hell According to Our Church's Teaching - Very Rev. Fr Elias Kentrotis | 30/04/2012 | |
Our Lenten Journey - His Grace Bishop Iakovos of Miletoupolis | 19/03/2012 | |
The Amazing Experiences and Issues Faced by a Greek Orthodox Woman Who Married a Man from Saudi Arabia - Ms Alexandra Symeonidou | 11/11/2011 | |
Jesus, Messiah or Magician - A Study of the Miracles of Jesus - Dionysios Krinas | 10/10/2011 | |
Orthodox Spirituality - What is it and how to live it - Peter Kyriacou | 05/09/2011 | |
The Life and Work of St Maximus the Confessor - Dr Nick Trakakis | 01/08/2011 | |
Supplement: (PDF Slides) The Life and Work of St Maximus the Confessor - Dr Nick Trakakis | 01/08/2011 | |
The Day Hell Lost the Battle - Fr Emmanuel Lykopandis | 11/04/2011 | |
Kicking Goals for the Homeless - Mr George Halkias | 28/03/2011 | |
The Music of the Orthodox Church - An Explanation and Practical Demonstration - Mr Lambros Vlahandonis | 22/11/2010 | |
The Orthodox Person in the Modern World (in Greek) - Very Rev. Fr Vasilios Gontikakis (Mt Athos) | 09/11/2010 | |
The Church Fathers and the Problems of Society (in Greek) - Professor Georgios Mantzaridis | 21/09/2010 | |
The Life and Work of St Gregory the Theologian - Dr Nick Trakakis | 06/09/2010 | |
Standing Up for the Real Christ - Orthodoxy versus Heresy - Dr Philip Kariatlis | 16/08/2010 | |
The Creation of the Spiritual World - Angels - Fr Emmanuel Lykopandis | 12/07/2010 | |
Spiritual Healing - Some Thoughts on Repentance & Confession - Rev. Fr Chris Dimolianis | 21/06/2010 | |
Challenges Facing Orthodoxy in Regional and Outback Australia - Fr Timothy Evangelinidis | 07/12/2009 | |
Youth and Media - Constructive and Destructive Relations - Mr Vaios Anastassopoulos - 9th State Youth Conference | 28/09/2009 | |
The Participation and Role of Youth in the Life of the Church Today - Dr Philip Kariatlis - 9th State Youth Conference | 28/09/2009 | |
The Difference Between Astronomy and Astrology - Fr Emmanuel Lykopandis | 17/08/2009 | |
A Deeper Insight into the Parables of Jesus Christ - What Was He Talking About? - Mr Dionysios Krinas | 20/07/2009 | |
Spiritual Reflections, Thoughts and Discussion - Rev. Fr Chris Dimolianis | 15/06/2009 | |
Short Course in Orthodox Studies - Session 3 "Are You Saved?" Part 1 - Fr Chris Dimolianis | 11/05/2009 | |
Short Course in Orthodox Studies - Session 3 "Are You Saved?" Part 2 - Fr Chris Dimolianis | 11/05/2009 | |
Short Course in Orthodox Studies - Session 2 "What Do You Believe?" Part 1 - Fr Chris Dimolianis | 04/05/2009 | |
Short Course in Orthodox Studies - Session 2 "What Do You Believe?" Part 2 - Fr Chris Dimolianis | 04/05/2009 | |
Short Course in Orthodox Studies - Session 1 "Who Do You Think You Are?" Part 1 - Fr Chris Dimolianis | 27/04/2009 | |
Short Course in Orthodox Studies - Session 1 "Who Do You Think You Are?" Part 2 - Fr Chris Dimolianis | 27/04/2009 | |
Our Conscience - the Voice of the Holy Spirit? - Mr Theo Theodorou | 16/03/2009 | |
Accepting to Suffer as the Means to Salvation - Mr Theo Theodorou | 17/11/2008 | |
Honest Questions and Answers on Living the Orthodox Faith - Fr Timothy Evangelinidis | 27/10/2008 | |
Panagia - The Holy Theotokos - Fr Iakovos Tsigounis | 25/08/2008 | |
The Virgin Mary's Protection of Orthodoxy - Mr Dionysios Krinas | 07/07/2008 | |
Supplement: (PDF Slides) The Virgin Mary's Protection of Orthodoxy - Mr Dionysios Krinas | 07/07/2008 | |
The Mystery of the Passion and Resurrection of Christ - Fr Emmanuel Lykopandis | 14/04/2008 | |
Spiritual Food for Lent - Fr Chris Dimolianis | 17/03/2008 | |
A glimpse of hell - Fr Timothy Evangelinidis | 08/10/2007 | |
The Crucifixion and the Resurrection - The Dynamics for Eternal Salvation - Mr Theo Theodorou | 24/09/2007 | |
An Orthodox Christian Approach to Addiction - Fr Chris Dimolianis | 04/09/2006 | |
Parish and Community Churches - What is the difference - Pros and cons analysis - Mr Theo Theodorou | 17/10/2005 | |
St Andrew's Theological College - the future of Orthodoxy in Australia - Mr Dionysios Krinas | 22/08/2005 | |
"Come to me, all of you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28) - Mother Kallistheni | 18/07/2005 | |
Marriage and the Single Life, An Orthodox Perspective - Fr Emmanuel Lykopandis | 25/08/2003 | |
Magic and the Improper Use of Icons (Intro and Conclusion in Greek by His Grace Bishop Ezekiel of Dervis) - Fr Chris Dimolianis | 30/07/2003 | |
St Constantine the Great... A Saint? - Mr Dionysios Krinas | 28/05/2003 | |
Orthodoxy and superstition - Fr Iakovos Tsigounis | 28/10/2002 | |
Mourning - Fr Iakovos Tsigounis | 22/07/2002 | |
Communion Preparation - Dr Philip Kariatlis | 25/05/1998 | |